Thursday, September 10, 2009

Making Plans

I haven't drawn any full drawings, instead focusing more on working on antomy and mainly just random sketches. But after a day of lurking around at other people's work, I feel inspired to do some big pieces. But mainly work on my comics I want to do soon. I have a friend that has been giving me ideas for comics and I've decided to do that as some side work. I hope he is serious about it though. I don't want to do anything and nothing comes out of it.
Anyho, I have been using Rapid Viz as a helpful guide with my sketches and It does come in handy some of the tricks that is used from the book. I also been drawing from anatomy books, but I realized that it is best when drawing people from
life. Poses are captured alot better. So Hopefully I can catch this month's Dr. Sketchy. I am really going to try because I need the pratice.
I have been thinking of all the helpful things people told me over the course of my life when it came to art. My old art teacher pushed me into doing art. He told me that if I stuck to it, some thing would come out of it. And I got to meet one of my favorite comicbook writer/artist Brain Wood. I have been following his work early on and last year I got to meet him and 100 Bullets creator Brian Azzrello. I acted like a fan girl and asked how I could get into comics as well. I was told two things: finish school and get online. My best bet was to expose myself that way. So that's probably why I started this blog. It's also much easier to keep up with my work in one place (I also have a Concept Art page and a deviant art page. Devaint Art shows alot of my older work.) I really forget to update those pages. I sometimes feel like my work gets lost
. Plus it's easier to update this thing.

Brain wood signed this for me giving me my first Artist's sketch. Hah.
So I got this sketchbook that I don't really like. But it was 3.99 and all my other sketchbooks were either broken and/or full so I took what I could get.
I use it to work on my rapid viz techniques and just scribble down ideas. Here are some.

This weekend I get to dance my troubles away at a Datarock concert then wake up early to serve football fans Alcoholic beverages. Should be fun times. Tonight, I'll probably fall asleep watching my new favorite show the Inbetweeners

It's a hilarious British comedy that I love. It basically about some guys who aren't quite dorks but no where near the popular crowd (hence the title ) They get into the craziest shit ever. All from being molested by a driving instructor to punching a fish. It's great! Also the character Jay says the most vulgar things. Like "when those bettys see this they'll be foaming at the gash." Can't wait for series 3

<-- Simon is my favorite.

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