Friday, April 16, 2010

You weren't much of a muse, but then I weren't much of a poet

Nothing really to update, other than I am going to be spending the next two weekends on all my projects and during the week I have to spend alot of time looking for a new job! I got things to do and I need some monies. Going to clean out my closet, sell some clothes and other crap I do not need. I am trying to rid myself of clutter and junk. I also realized that I mainly own books and I need to get rid of some of those too. There are some crappy ones I can probably donate.

Spring is here! I plan on spending alot of my days biking, taking pictures for observational pictures and  working more on my drawing progress. The things I am currently learning will be used when I do Jay and Nikki this summer. I promised myself that in June I'd start posting a daily strip. Gotta start keeping promises to myself!

No work to show of my own currently, But here are some artists I have been into:

Brian Dettmer does these wonderful sculptures made out of books or other materials.
Edwin Ushiro another amazing Illustrator. 

And check out these awesome but creepy illustrations done by Suehiro Maruo

Good stuff right there man. 

Look at these awesome Hello Kitty(s)!
I need one in my life.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Live Transmissions.

A beautiful day today and I spent most of it in class. Not that I really care. Heh, I was inside, in the a/c, on thecomputer like a nerd should, lol. My Friday classes are probably the most interactive and interesting. Our teacher is also pretty helpful. She's always giving helpful hints and really pushing us to be creative as possible.
She also told us that we needed to get a proofreading book and find a buddy to proofread with. I know I really need one, ha ha. I have really bad typos and I do not catch things until later. That's why I decided to stop posting soon after I write it. No one wants to read my bad writing. :)
There are these guy's in my class that think they know everything and say the most inappropriate things. Our teacher has probably said everything but "Shut the fuck up" to them. It's hilarious.

I had Jury Duty earlier this week and now I understand why people hate it so much. It's probably the most boring thing you'd ever have to do. I spent Tuesday stuck in the Jury bullpen all day. Doing nothing but feeling my ass fall asleep. AND they don't have free coffee or donuts. They drag you all the way down there, wasting your time and they don't even give you donuts. Lame man. I did get out of it for the rest of the week when I told them I couldn't get down there.
Oh wait,I did get some work done on my projects. In Graphic Design Drawing, we are making a calendar. My teacher really wants us to do it all on Illustrator but I realized that I will never be a person who does all their work on the computer, I like to draw with pen and paper too much.  So I drew the basics and will add color and patterns in illustrator. Here are some of the finished months. (taken with my camera,not scanned)
Objects still in pencil are going to be re-done on Illustrator. I also realized I should've left out alot more detail. Don't want the teacher getting sassy about that.

As you know I like to draw bodacious ladies. I get alot of inspiration for old pin ups,60's go go dancers and Barbarella!

Barbarella is ridiculously awesome and has great cheese. (Flash Gordon is up there too)

Plus Barbarella had awesome coustumes.

I drew a quick sketch in Barbarella style while I was wasting away in the bullpen:

And another pen sketch:

All my calendar sketches are done except for January. I didn't have thing clever to draw for January or august. 

Now off to finish some tasty food.