Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I want to be adored.

My impatience gets the best of me. I look back on the things I've done and I realized I usually get to do what I set out to. It may take longer than I'd like, but the best usually turns out for me. I need to start realizing that I can't always have it now and it is even better when I get it later. So no more complaining. It's not helping me any and I can do so much more with the time I have. 

I'm sure I'll have a new job soon. A new job means I can get a car. Which also means I won't be stuck in Cleveland all the time.

I am feeling pretty good.

Also I am going to redo the beginning of the comic,because the last pages came out sooo much better than the other ones. I was obviously being a lazy ass and didn't use my ruler much and all the lines came out wrong.

(these pages are done I just didn't feel like taking new pictures.)
See? Much better. Good thing this comic was only meant for me really. A pratice comic and luckily it's actually working. My lines are much better,cleaner. My perception is still off key, but dang it, it's getting better.

I also have been really high strung lately. I haven't been my usual calm, chilled out self. Alot of things have been going on and I guess that is the reason why. But I'm pretty sure it's the lack of sex. Yeah that's probably it. Last time I went this long I started smoking cigs. Don't need to pick up any more bad habits. 

I have more work to put up, but I have been busy with helping my aunt out during the day, (aka chauffeur her around and fuck around on the internet till her husband picks me up and takes me home) Didn't pay me last week  but they did pay for all my supplies for my new kitty, Chewbacca (aka Chewy) that my BFF is giving me. This makes me happy. I haven't had a cat around me for almost a year. I think having a cat around will be good for me.

I still better get paid though.

The Gossip is on tour in the states.The closest they are playing is Detroit! If I get a ride up there to this show, I'd love that person forever. I also just might get on the megabus and take my ass up there. I feel like an adventure. Plus The Gossip live is amazing!  

Where happened to Blue Monday? "Thieves like Us" has had only one issue and I am terribly missing Blue and the gang. Chynna please grace us with some more Teenage debauchery and crazy kids antics. 
But it's probably just Oni press holding things up. Oni press has some good comics but they do a piss poor job at releasing books on time. 

Starting sometime this week, my 365 project starts. Whoopee!

I wanna draw dirty girls again.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Keep busy, keep steady.

Let's try to write this with less typos this time. I need my own proofreader. That would be good.

I am happy to say that my comic is coming out well. Even with my limited resources and lack of materials, as a quick comic it is looking good.. IDK, I like it. and that's the best start. But what  matters is that I can convey a story in pictures. With a few more classes, I am sure I'll be able to turn this into something more polished. I can also start trying to tweak things in Photoshop experimenting with different things and seeing what appeals to me..

Here are some pages:

The last one is suppose to be page 7 not 6. Don't really know why I inked this one first.

I will march on, because I don't want to have a shitty job for the next 40 years to be quite honest.

Times are a ccchhchhangin'

And either I can be misrable or be happy. And what I have been doing so far has made me happy.

Now if only we can deal with this boredom. Besides doing art, I am ready to explode.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

What do I know.

So as fall comes marching in, planning for next year seems like a good deal to me. National Portfolio day is coming up in this Area (Oct. 4). I need around 15-20 pieces to show and I think I have most of them. I might just take my top 12 drawings and just use them. I have always been told "Quality over Quantity." or  Some fuckery like that. So yeah none of my half ass drawings I did for my boring drawing classes.

I have also decided that next week to apply to The Center of Cartoon Studies. Because if I get in there now, I should have plenty of time to save up and leave. I need to move forward if I really want to do this and this city is pretty much killing me. So bored, unfulfilled and in desperate need of a change of scenery.  I don't want to turn into a lazy bum who's bored all the time, drinks shitty beer and have shitty relationships with even shittier people. I've wasted enough time on that crap.  I deserve much more and it's my own fault if I don't change my outcome. And Once I am finished with school I can go pretty much wherever I want. And that is  all I really want. To move someplace I enjoy and feel at home.

Plus everyone is leaving again. BFF is going back to Chicago and I'm stuck here with no one cool to hang out with. I like alot of stuff that no one is interested in. I mean there are stuff to do here, but I am not too crazy about doing stuff alone. (But I will if I really want to do it)

Blah ranting. I just want a jump start into something good,fun and thrilling.

You are not thrilling,Ohio.

Plus if I lived somewhere else I would've totally have an awesome boyfriend by now. A sweet one, not one I just settled for because I hate being alone.  But bleh, that is the least of my worries.

Other better news, Most of my comics are done. Well the ones I were currently working on. I made good progress over the last two weeks and I am really happy about their outcomes. Especially the comic I based off of The Good Life's Album of the year. Here are the lyrics:

The first time that I met her
I was throwing up in the ladies room stall
She asked me if I needed anything
I said, “I think I spilled my drink”
And that's how it started
(Or so I'd like to believe)

She took me to her mother's house
Outside of town where the stars hang down
She said she'd never seen someone so lost
I said I'd never felt so found
And then I kissed her on the cheek
And so she kissed me on the mouth

The spring was popping daises up
Around rusted trucks and busted lawn chairs
We moved into a studio in Council Bluffs
To save a couple bucks
Where the mice came out at night
Neighbors were screaming all the time

We'd make love in the afternoons
To Chelsea Girls and Bachelor #2
I'd play for her some songs I wrote
She'd joke and say I'm shooting through the roof
I'd say, “They're all for you, dear
I'll write the album of the year”

And I know she loved me then
I swear to God she did
It was the way she'd bite my lower lip
And push her hips against my hips
And dig her nails so deep into my skin

The first time that I met her
I was convinced I had finally found the one
She was convinced I was under the influence
Of all those drunken romantics
I was reading Fante at the the time
I had Bukowski on my mind

She got a job at Jacob's
Serving cocktails to the local drunks
Against her will, I fit the the bill
I perched down at the end of the bar
She said, “Space is not just a place for stars
I gave you an inch, you want a house with a yard”

And I know she loved me once
But those days are done
She used to call me every day
From a pay phone on her break for lunch
Just to say she can't wait to come home

The last time that I saw her
She was picking through which records were hers
Her clothes were packed in boxes
With some pots and pans and books and a toaster
Just then a mouse scurried across the floor

We started laughing until it didn't hurt

The lyrics to this song transfered wonderfully in comic form. I might do the first two pages over, because the inking is shaky but I'll see. I might just redo some panels instead of  having to redo both pages. 

I really need to get a scanner badly. I need to be able to really scan and edit my comics so my mistakes aren't as visible.  And since I have been teaching myself through tutorials online, I think I can improve my work and bring the best out of it. I am hoping I get one soon. 

Pavement has gotten back together. It's a huge fucking deal because I grew up listening to bands like Pavement. (I was really into 90's alternative in my teens) Seeing a band like Pavement would be amazing. Here's hoping that they stay together long enough so I can see them. I'm sure the tickets for next year's show are already sold out. :(

My head hurts, I feel like crap and I got a bunch of movies to watch. Lame saturday night, but hey last saturday I was smokin and drinkin. Gotta balance that shit out. 

I'm getting old.


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Making Plans

I haven't drawn any full drawings, instead focusing more on working on antomy and mainly just random sketches. But after a day of lurking around at other people's work, I feel inspired to do some big pieces. But mainly work on my comics I want to do soon. I have a friend that has been giving me ideas for comics and I've decided to do that as some side work. I hope he is serious about it though. I don't want to do anything and nothing comes out of it.
Anyho, I have been using Rapid Viz as a helpful guide with my sketches and It does come in handy some of the tricks that is used from the book. I also been drawing from anatomy books, but I realized that it is best when drawing people from
life. Poses are captured alot better. So Hopefully I can catch this month's Dr. Sketchy. I am really going to try because I need the pratice.
I have been thinking of all the helpful things people told me over the course of my life when it came to art. My old art teacher pushed me into doing art. He told me that if I stuck to it, some thing would come out of it. And I got to meet one of my favorite comicbook writer/artist Brain Wood. I have been following his work early on and last year I got to meet him and 100 Bullets creator Brian Azzrello. I acted like a fan girl and asked how I could get into comics as well. I was told two things: finish school and get online. My best bet was to expose myself that way. So that's probably why I started this blog. It's also much easier to keep up with my work in one place (I also have a Concept Art page and a deviant art page. Devaint Art shows alot of my older work.) I really forget to update those pages. I sometimes feel like my work gets lost
. Plus it's easier to update this thing.

Brain wood signed this for me giving me my first Artist's sketch. Hah.
So I got this sketchbook that I don't really like. But it was 3.99 and all my other sketchbooks were either broken and/or full so I took what I could get.
I use it to work on my rapid viz techniques and just scribble down ideas. Here are some.

This weekend I get to dance my troubles away at a Datarock concert then wake up early to serve football fans Alcoholic beverages. Should be fun times. Tonight, I'll probably fall asleep watching my new favorite show the Inbetweeners

It's a hilarious British comedy that I love. It basically about some guys who aren't quite dorks but no where near the popular crowd (hence the title ) They get into the craziest shit ever. All from being molested by a driving instructor to punching a fish. It's great! Also the character Jay says the most vulgar things. Like "when those bettys see this they'll be foaming at the gash." Can't wait for series 3

<-- Simon is my favorite.